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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Understanding Exceptions provided by the .NET Framework - Part 2.

You may saw in the previous post, a couple of exceptions we can use that are provided by the .Net Framework derived from the System.Exception class. Those two exceptions were: The StackOverflowException and the NullReferenceException.
Now I will describe to you the OutOfMemoryException and the DivideByZeroException.

The OutOfMemoryException

This exception is thrown by the CLR when your machine runs out of memory. Every time you create an object using new, some memory will be reserved for it. In case there is now enough memory, the exception will be triggered.
Let´s write an example now. Supose you want to create a Hashtable that allocated a large capacity. If there is no memory to do this, the CLR throws the exception.
Take a look at this C# example:

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Collections;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication5


class Program


static void Main(string[] args)




Hashtable hatb = new Hashtable(91230000);


catch (OutOfMemoryException)


Console.WriteLine("CLR out of memory");






The DivideByZeroException

This exception is quite simple: when you are dividing by 0, the CLR throws this exception.
Take a look at this example:

class Program


static void Main(string[] args)


int a = 5;

int b = 0;

try {

int res = a / b;



Console.WriteLine("You are dividing by 0");





Friday, August 22, 2008

Understanding Exceptions provided by the .NET Framework - Part 1.

The NullReferenceException:

The easiest way to explain how this works is by writing an example. What we are going to do in the following example is quite simple: we are going to create an Object and initialize it with null value. This object contains string public value type that we can malipulate. But in this particulare case, our Object was set to null, so the CLR will catch this particular exception:

Class Person

public class Person


public String name;



static void Main(string[] args)




Person p = new Person();

p = null; = "CoderG";


catch (NullReferenceException) {

Console.WriteLine("p set tu null, cannot be referenced");




The StackOverflowException:

This exception is catch by the CLR when it runs out of stack memory. Be aware that the CLR has a finite amount of stack space, so if it gets full, the StackOverflowException will catch the exception. An easy way to trigger this is by defining a recursive function that does nothing, just call itself. Eventually, if the stack was infinite, this method will never stop, but because it is finite, the exception catches this:


static void Main(string[] args)






catch (StackOverflowException) {

Console.WriteLine("Stack run out of memory!!!!");



public static void callMe(){




Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Using destructors in C#

Destructors are similar to de Constructors, almost the oposite.
The destructor is used by the CLR when objects are destroyed.
All this process happens in the background so the developer does not have to preocupate about deleting
created objects. Writing a destructor is not necessary but if you are going to create one in your class,
you can only add one.
The Destructors sintaxis are very similar to the constructors.
They start with the simbole ~ and the name must be the same to the class.
Also, there are a few particulares things about destructors you should know:
-No parameters are allowed here.
-As said before, you can only write one.
-You can not call a constructor like you will normally do with a method. They are automatically used by the CLR (by the garbage collection).
-No overload or inheritances are allowed.
So let’s write a small C# class.

-Class Plane

using System;
using System.Text;

class Plane

public String type;
public String company;

public Plane(String t, String c){
type = t;
company = c;

Console.WriteLine("Constructor in action\n");


~Plane() {
type = "N/A";
company = "N/A";

Console.WriteLine("Destructor in action");


- Main

static void Main(string[] args)

Plane p = new Plane("AirBus", "Tam");


- Console

Monday, August 4, 2008

Defining methods in Structures (C#)

Normally you will see structures with only variables on it, but methods can also be included. This is usefull when you need to write a method that works directly with the content of the stuct.

- The first method that I will create inside the structure is a constructor. Remember that there can be many constructores as long as the parameter list is different of each other.
- The second method you will see next is a simple bool method that return true if both values of the structure varaibles (integers) are 50.

Ok, lets now proceed to write this example.

using System;

class Program

struct Point {

public int x;
public int y;

public Point(int x1, int y1) {

x = x1;
y = y1;

public bool check50() {

if ((x == 50) && (y == 50))
return true;

return false;



static void Main(string[] args)

Point p = new Point(50 , 50);
Point p2 = new Point(10, 20);

if (p.check50())
Console.WriteLine("Point p is at 50s");

Console.WriteLine("Point p not at 50s");

Console.WriteLine("Point p2 is at 50s");

Console.WriteLine("Point p2 not at 50s");
